Our graduates
Exploring smart harvesting, sowing sustainability!
Click on the name to access the curriculum vitae!

Antonio Maurício Loureiro Júnior, M. Sc.
- Is it possible to detect in the field fragments of invisible losses in mechanized sugarcane harvesting?
- antonioloureirojr@hotmail.com

Armando Lopes de Brito Filho, M. Sc.
- Operational quality of mechanized peanut harvesting in three tillage systems
- armando.brito@unesp.br
Bruno Rocca de Oliveira, M. Sc.
- Does sunlight and the aggressiveness of the coffee harvester affect the quality of the operation?
- bruno.rocca@unesp.br

- Methodology for identifying and eliminating special causes in performance charts
- donadoncaio@hotmail.com

Danilo Tedesco de Oliveira, PhD
- Don't forget the below-ground crops: introducing sweet potatoes into the concept of digital agriculture (PhD - 2021)
- An intelligent system that predicts cotton yield in images of commercial crops (Master Degree - 2019)
- danilo.tedesco@unesp.br

Jarlyson Brunno Costa Souza, M. Sc.
- Digital farming techniques to predict peanut maturation
- jarlyson.brunno@unesp.br

- Does the period of the day and the face of sun exposure influence the detachment of coffee fruits?
- joao.godinho@unesp.br

- Quality of sowing of cotton, corn and soybean crops under the action of downforce in line
- Mechanized sugarcane harvesting: the wear of knives as a reducing agent for the quality of the basal cut (Master Degree - 2018)
- luanoliveirax@gmail.com

Mailson Freire de Oliveira, PhD
2021 - Post doctoral: Use of topographic indices, remote sensing and artificial intelligence to estimate maize yield in management zones
- 2021 - PhD: Forecasting and estimating crop variables using levels and forms of remote sensing and machine learning techniques
- mailson.oliveira@unesp.br

- Application of convolutional neural networks to measure slippage in agricultural tractors
- feihrafael@gmail.com

- 2020 - Post doctoral: Using remote sensing to map in-field variability of peanut maturity
- 2019 - Non-destructive method to predict peanut (arachis hypogaea) maturation using remote sensing
- 2016 - Master Degree: Quality of mechanized agricultural operations in peanut farming using automatic targeting
- adao.felipe@ufla.br

- Evaluation of agricultural tractors for spraying on citrus crops
- alexgonzaga.agr@gmail.com

Franciele Morlin Carneiro
- Post doctoral: Estimation of biophysical characteristics for soybean cultivation through neural networks and remote sensing

- Is it possible to detect nematodes in soybean (glycine max l.) using remote sensing?
- leticiabsantos@ksu.edu

2019 - PhD: Methodology for selective coffee harvesting in management zones of yield and maturation
2016 - Master Degree: Losses in the mechanized cotton harvesting in spatial variability and harvesting speeds function
- bethkazama@hotmail.com
Tiago de Oliveira Tavares, PhD
- 2019 - PhD: Desenvolvimento de um modelo para dimensionamento da frota na cultura do café
- 2016 - Master Degree: Mechanized coffee harvesting as a function of soil management and terrain slope
- tiagoolitavares@hotmail.com

- 2018 - PhD: Economic evaluation methodology for deciding between renovation or renovation of agricultural tractors
- 2013 - Master Degree: Operational performance of tillage systems for citrus transplanting
- vidalonofre@gmail.com

- Wear of basal cut blades: effect on sugarcane harvesting and regrowth
- leonardobernacheobj@hotmail.com

Lucas Augusto da Silva Girio, PhD
- Quality of mechanized planting, transplanting and harvesting of sugarcane billets and pre-sprouted seedlings
- lucas.girio@iffarroupilha.edu.br

Matheus Anaan de Paula Borba, M. Sc.
- Times and movements in mechanized peanut harvesting as a function of plot formats
- matheuspborba@gmail.com

Patricia Candida de Menezes, PhD
- Application of quality tools in mechanized soybean harvesting
- patricia.menezes@ifro.edu.br

Carla Segatto Strini Paixão, PhD
- 2015 - PhD: Uni and multivariate analysis applied to the quality of mechanized soybean harvesting
- 2013 - Master Degree: Times, movements and quality of the mechanized soybean harvesting operation as a function of the shape of the plots
- carla.voltarelli@facens.br

- 2015 - Post doctoral: Use of quality tools to determine improvements in peanut digger-inverter designs
- 2015 - PhD: Use of quality tools to determine improvements in peanut ripper-inverter designs
- evaldoferezin@gmail.com

- Inovações tecnológicas para a cafeicultura de precisão
- fpsantinato@hotmail.com

Guilherme de Castro Belardo, PhD
- Performance of multi-row cane harvesters under different cane conditions for three plant spacing models
- belardo.guilherme@gmail.com

- 2015 - PhD: Control charts for managing mechanized agricultural operations
- 2012 - Master Degree: Quality of mechanized coffee harvesting in circular planting under center pivot
- marcelo.cassia@cambuhy.com.br
- Sugarcane harvester performance as a function of engine load profile
- lucasvillelarosa@hotmail.com

Luiz Augusto de Souza Nardo, M. Sc.
- Analysis of scenarios to aid decision-making in mechanized sugarcane planting
- luiz.nardo@gmail.com

Murilo Aparecido Voltarelli, PhD
- 2017 - Post doctoral: Planejamento dos talhões e demanda de energia do plantio mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar
- 2015 - PhD: Systemic quality management in mechanized sugarcane harvesting
- 2013 - Master Degree: Quality of the mechanized sugarcane planting operation in the day and night shifts (Master Degree - 2013)
- voltarelli@ufscar.br

Luma Stefania Macri Ohara, M. Sc.
- Controle estatístico de processo aplicado ao monitoramento de perdas na colheita mecanizada de cana-de-açúcar
- linkedin.com/in/lumamacri/

- Quality of basal cut in mechanized sugarcane harvesting
- anderson@iapar.br

Rafael Henrique de Freitas Noronha , PhD
- Quality of mechanized sugarcane planting operation in a meiosis system (Master Degree)

- Use of statistical analysis in the evaluation of mechanized peanut uprooting
- linkedin.com/in/agroedvaldosantos/

- Variability of losses in mechanized peanut harvesting: a case study
- linkedin.com/in/rafael-scabello-bertonha

- Losses in the mechanized harvesting of raw sugarcane due to the wear of the base cut knives
- greis@usj.com.br

- Diagnosis of cotton seed harvesting and processing in the southern region of Goiás, Brazil

- Mechanized harvesting and quali-quantitative losses of peanut (Arachis hypogeaea L.) seeds
- leandrabarrozo1@gmail.com

Statistical control applied to the mechanized peanut harvesting process