Drone and Quad Hubs

Please fill this web form to schedule your request for drone use with the RSRG team. This service is provided only for faculties and staff of UNESP/Jaboticabal system with educational and research purposes. Due to several requests lately we are charging the flight mission and sensor data gathering and processing to support our trained students that are proficient on various sensors and are drone certified pilots.

Drone Surveys
• Standard Flight with multispectral camera $___.
Add RGB sensor survey: +$___
Additional distance is $___ per km after 50 km roundtrip.

Digital Ag Lab Services
- Mosaic Stitching
• Faculty or staff provides images in geotiff and we deliver stitched mosaic
• $___ per mosaic up to 5 ha (areas bigger than 5 ha have to be discussed)
- Data Analysis - $__/hr labor
• Zonal statistics calculation of drone mosaic raster data at plot level.
• Pseudo Invariant Radiometric Calibration of temporally variant drone mosaics.
- Training - $__-___/hr
• Grad students: $___/hr labor
• Professor(s): $___/hr labor
• Site visits cost $___ / mile travel distance from FCAV/UNESP in addition to training fees

PS: To understand how it works the payment system for this service, please contact Rouverson Silva (rsrgunesp@gmail.com). All data process uses open source and free softwares. 

Quad Surveys

• Standard sampling with (penetrometer and soil samples) $___.

Additional distance is $___ per km after 50 km roundtrip.

Digital Ag Lab Services
- Mosaic Stitching
• Faculty or staff provides images in geotiff and we deliver stitched mosaic
• $___ per mosaic up to 5 ha (areas bigger than 5 ha have to be discussed)
- Data Analysis - $__/hr labor
• Zonal statistics calculation of drone mosaic raster data at plot level.
• Pseudo Invariant Radiometric Calibration of temporally variant drone mosaics.
- Training - $__-___/hr
• Grad students: $___/hr labor
• Professor(s): $___/hr labor
• Site visits cost $___ / mile travel distance from FCAV/UNESP in addition to training fees

PS: To understand how it works the payment system for this service, please contact Rouverson Silva (rsrgunesp@gmail.com). All data process uses open source and free softwares.